230,000 curious minds at your fingertips. Ask an Alum connects you with your alumni community who can answer your questions, anytime, anywhere.

You ask.
They answer.

LSE alumni are keen to help students and fellow alumni.

LSE white cloud outline

How It Works


You ask.

Submit a question related to your course topic.


We recruit.

Our technology (powered by Protopia) uses AI to find the best experts to answer you.


Get answers.

We persist until you have one or more responses. Delivered right to your email inbox.


Say ‘thank you.’

And build your network by continuing to stay in touch (such as via LinkedIn).

Not sure how to ask? We’ve got a short video that will turn you into a networking pro.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I ask?

Literally anything to help with your academic or professional development. There are thousands of alumni, academics, staff and friends that can help with building and growing a startup, personal development, or figuring out career options.

What is a good question?

Think of your question as an advertisement. Share who you are, what you are doing, and what you need help with. Keep it short and sweet. Here’s a short video on how to craft a great question that will get you results and help build your network.

Can I ask a follow-up question?

Yes, of course! Once we make a match you’ll have direct, one-to-one communication and can ask additional questions.

Who will see my question?

We send your request to the best alumni, academics, and staff in your area of interest. Members of staff at LSE, including LSE Careers, may use the content of your question to improve programming. Using this Service will not influence any current or future application to the School.

Can I request someone specific to receive my question?

No. We make our matches based on availability, proximity, experience, and skills.

Is there a limit to how often I can ask?

No, you can ask as many questions as you would like. In fact, we encourage it as this is the simplest way for you to build your professional network.

Will my questions and responses be confidential?

Your question will not be made public. It will be seen only by matched experts and a handful of administrators.

How long will it take to get an answer?

We aim to get you answers within 3 business days. But it depends on what you’re asking. It can go as quickly as an hour to as long as 10 days or more.

Go ahead and ask

It has never been simpler to get help from others that have done what’s ahead of you.

The use of Ask an Alum is subject to our Terms Of Use. Questions? Contact us at alumni@mail.lse.ac.uk.